
CART INSIDERS E-Summit: Day 2 Recap

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May 20 was the second day of CART INSIDERS E-Summit (If you missed anything from day one, you can read about it here ). Day two featured speakers from Jiggy Puzzles, Overdose, Recharge, Limespot, Smile, Loop Returns, and Gorgias. The central theme of the day was around the customer journey and experience, and the speakers shared their insights and best practices for converting and retaining your customer base.

Cart Insider’s E-Summit Day 2 Recap

Session 1: Kaylin Marcotte, Founder/CEO, Jiggy Puzzles
Greg Zakowicz, Marketing Strategist & Head of Content, Omnisned

Session Title: Fireside Chat with Jiggy Puzzles

Day two kicked off with a casual, fireside chat with the CEO of Jiggy Puzzles, who shared her inspiration for starting the company, her experience of launching a business right before the COVID pandemic, how she is responding to the crisis, and how she approaches her customers with marketing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Listen to your customers.
  • Be careful with how to send emails—make sure you’re sending the right message at the right time.
  • Be yourself! Not every brand is for everyone, so be true to your brand and what you stand for.
  • Always think about how you can evolve and adapt.

Session 2: Ryan Delaney, CXO, Overdose
Session Title: Data-Driven UX for 2020

Ryan joined us from New Zealand to discuss the true meaning of “User Experience,” and the action retailers need to take to provide a great experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Know your audience, identify their objectives, and segment!
  • Understand your customers’ behavior and psychology.
  • You need to segment your data and break down everything that is happening from that particular audience.

Session 3: Elaine Sloboda, Partner Manager, Recharge
Session Title: Why a Good Customer Portal Can Improve Retention

Elaine discussed the importance of optimizing the subscriber experience, and how to give users a reason to come back to your site, stay engaged with your brand, and strengthen the brand-customer relationship.

Key Takeaways:

  • Every interaction is an opportunity you don’t want to waste.
  • Increasing LTV equals improving the quantitative measure of your relationship between brand and customer.
  • While looking at data is great, always take it with a grain of salt.
  • Improving the customer experience is imperative.

Session 4: Sharon Goldstein, CEO, Limespot
Session Title: Best Practices in Personalization and Site Optimization

Sharon joined the program to explain how critical personalization is for brands, explaining that every user is different. For consumers, it stands out to them when they feel that a brand knows them as a customer—so make sure you’re conducting research on your audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s important to understand your audience to provide them with a certain level of personalization.
  • Language matters! Know your audience.
  • Keep your site fresh, relevant, and engaging to keep your audience coming back, browsing your site, and making that next purchase.

Session 5: Paige Harris, Merchant Marketing Manager,
Session Title: The True Profitability of Repeat Customers Online

Paige was up next to review loyalty and rewards and how it plays a large role in converting and retaining customers. She dove into the importance of rewarding those loyal customers with unique perks and incentives to come back and stay engaged.

Key Takeaways:

  • Know your “secret sauce.”
  • Define what makes your brand stand out from the others and what you will do to keep customers returning.
  • Loyal customers are profitable customers—they’re the ones who tell their friends about your brand.

Session 6: Jonathan Poma, CEO, Loop Returns
Session Title: The Future Is Now

Product return policies can influence sales and serve as a competitive differentiator that drives customer loyalty. Jonathan joined us to discuss how to drive customer loyalty through returns, issue fewer refunds, and increase exchanges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drive loyalty through returns. Good experience = customer for life. Bad experience = end of the relationship.
  • Convenience and necessity are bringing shoppers online. A connection is what keeps them shopping with you.

Session 7: Philippe Roireau, Head of Partnerships, Gorgias
Andrew Potkewitz, Global Director of Partnerships and Marketing, Overdose.
Session Title: Conversational Commerce: The Unfair Advantage For Your Online Brand

The last session of the E-Summit dealt with using conversational commerce to increase conversions through 1:1 real-time interactions—only this time, with a twist. Andrew Potkewitz of Overdose joined as a surprise guest, and he and Phil provided live, real-time feedback for boosting on-site conversion rates.

Key Takeaways:

  • Establish your brand voice and ensure it is consistent.
  • Engage with your audience wherever they are.
  • Extend the same courtesy online as you would to someone in-store.
  • Know how and when to engage with your audience.
  • Make sure you’re there when they have questions or need support.

That’s a Wrap!

That was it for the second, and final, day of first-ever CART INSIDERS E-Summit! We enjoyed hosting this event and loved the insights and energy from our presenters. We hope you enjoyed listening in as each panelist discussed best practices around acquiring, engaging, converting, and retaining customers.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors who made this event possible: Visiture, Trustpilot, Mutesix, Overdose, Gorgias, Recharge, Limespot, Smile, and Loop Returns.

We look forward to seeing you at our next online event!

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