Email marketing

New Landing Pages on Omnisend (and 5 Ways You Can Use Them Today)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We’re excited to announce the release of our newly redesigned Landing Pages that are replacing our former Signup Pages.

These landing pages are important elements for all your promotions, including online and offline campaigns.

When you have a well-designed, well-structured landing page, you can greatly increase your conversions for your various campaigns.

One of Soundest's new landing pages

Instead of sending your visitors or subscribers to your website (which may have more information than they need), you can send them to a special landing page that directs them towards the action you want them to take.

Of course, when you’re grabbing your visitors’ email addresses, you should use the double opt-in feature to make sure you get a clean, high-quality list.

And, if you’re still looking for other tactics, read here on how to build an email list from scratch (9 proven methods).

Our new features

Omnisend’s newly redesigned landing pages now have the following features:

1. Predefined text

With the new landing pages, you don’t have to start from scratch.

All Omnisend forms, including the new landing pages, come with predefined text so that you don’t have to try to figure out what to place where.

Start with our default text and adjust it according to your specific offering.

2. New templates and customizable themes

We’ve been working hard to bring you beautiful, simple and easy-to-use landing pages that you can launch in just a few minutes.

With that, we’ve also created fantastic templates and customizable themes.

Another of our many landing pages available on Soundest

With these themes, you can use change not just the text, but also the language, fonts, colors, images and insert your own logo.

3. More fields to help you get to know your subscribers better

The newly redesigned landing pages also offer you the option to grab more information about your subscribers.

This includes getting not just their names and email addresses, but also their birth dates (for your birthday promotions ), phone number, gender, city and country.

With our landing pages options, you can add as many forms as you'd like to get more info about your subscribers

You can choose to add or delete as many fields as you like according to the theme and purpose of your landing page.

4. Facebook sharing options

We’ve got another great feature for you. Because you’ll probably be using your landing pages for your social campaigns, you can now edit what information will be shown on Facebook.

With our newly redesigned landing pages, you can change the information that will be shown on Facebook

For example, the title and snippet would usually be whatever your page title and meta description would be.

But now you can decide to edit those elements based on how you’ll be using your landing pages on Facebook.

5 Ways to Use Landing Pages

Okay, so now that we’ve got you excited about our redesigned landing pages , you’re probably wondering how you can use them to get new subscribers and customers.

There are many, unlimited ways to use them, but we’ll give you five of the most popular.

1. Ad campaigns

One of the most popular ways that ecommerce stores use their landing pages is to attract visitors that have clicked on their PPC (pay-per-click) ad campaigns.

For example, instead of simply showing off your many products, you can offer visitors a special discount on a particular item or set of items.

When the visitor clicks on the ad, they will be directed to your landing page which focuses only on those items. This helps to not confuse the visitor, but also because of the streamlined look of the landing pages, gets them to click where you want them to.

2. Segmented social media campaigns

Your social media campaigns usually provide you the ability to get much more targeted in who, what, where and when you show your offerings to.

With that, you can set up multiple landing pages for the ads you have running. Some ads may be targeted based on gender, age, interest, etc.

3. Marketing and sales funnel

As we discussed in Part 3: Your Marketing of our Low Ecommerce Sales series, it’s important for conversions that you set up marketing and sales funnels.

These funnels help you to entice your visitors with an interesting offer and convert them into subscribers and/or buyers.

For example, you can offer a free ebook, training or other resource, which will allow you to grab your visitors’ emails. Once they sign up, you can convert them into buyers.

4. Popup shops

Popup shops have become quite popular lately, and they have worked out really well for their unexpected nature.

In order to have a successful popup shop, you will need to build up interest adequately. For that reason, you can first advertise with notices that your popup shop is coming…somewhere.

In order for your loyal fans to find out where, they’ll need to visit this page (your landing page) and sign up to be informed 2 hours before your popup shop will pop up.

You can also use your landing pages at the actual popup events. You can grab the email addresses of all those who are present by enticing them with an intriguing offer.

5. Events

Lastly, you can also use your landing pages to allow people more information about your in-store and other events. This is of course useful for brick and mortar stores, but also for any shop that has offline events.

For example, if you’re having a fashion show or free photography lessons (in-person), you can promote it on social media or in forums and get your visitors to sign up through your landing page.

You can also use your landing pages at the event to get the emails of the people in attendance. Afterwards, you can inform them of upcoming events or even send them special offers and discounts.

These are some of the many great things you can do with your landing pages in order to increase brand awareness, interest and of course sales.
Good luck!

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