
The elements of a perfect ecommerce post-click experience

Reading Time: 6 minutes

One click.

That’s all it takes for a visitor to go from viewing your ad to purchasing your product. Yet most ecommerce ads don’t secure that click because they direct visitors to cluttered product pages that fail to engage them :

Let’s break down the data:

  • Visitors who come to a product page view 42% fewer pages (8.8 per shopping session) than those who see a post-click landing page (12.5 per shopping session)
  • Product page visitors convert at about half the rate of post-click landing page visitors (1.5% and 2.9%, respectively)
  • Revenue per session on product pages ($1.72) is about half that of revenue per session on post-click landing pages ($3.43)

Creating and optimizing ecommerce ads is just one-half of the conversion story . To ensure the advertising dollars you spend creating, optimizing, and personalizing your ad campaigns actually turn into advertising conversions, you need to connect every ad to a personalized post-click experience.

Here’s everything you need to include on your post-click page to ensure your visitor goes beyond the click.

Ensure ad-to-page relevancy

To establish ad-to-page relevancy, you need to create a state of harmony between your pre-and post-click experiences. So, the user journey from the ad to the post-click page is consistent and relevant.

Ad-to-page relevancy goes beyond message-matching headlines, images, and brand colors. The technique ensures that post-click personalization doesn’t end with ad targeting but instead continues through to the post-click experience.

You can achieve this by using ad targeting data, such as visitor intent and ecommerce personalization variables, to connect each ad with a relevant landing page for every unique audience segment.

Take Farmhouse Fresh’s ad and their corresponding product page as an example of what not to do with your ecommerce experience. The ad promotes their “Blackberry Crush Hydrating Lip Balm”:

Once the visitor clicks the ad they land on this cluttered product page , where, yes, they can shop for the lip balm advertised in the ad, but they’re also presented numerous opportunities to disengage from the product.

There’s the overwhelming navigation header, and as you scroll down to read the balm ingredients, you see other product recommendations, customer pictures and so much more:

Winc, a subscription wine club does ad-to-page relevancy right. Their investor opportunity Facebook ad talks about the perks of becoming a wine investor with Winc:

The post-click experience follows through with relevancy without distractions that can guide visitors away from the conversion goal:

If you have a WordPress website, we recommend using SeedProd to create relevant landing pages for your ad campaigns. SeedProd is the best drag-and-drop website builder for WordPress. You can use it to quickly build beautiful landing pages , sales funnels, and custom WordPress themes, with no coding required.

Add an engaging headline

Your headline is the first thing your visitors see when they land on the page. Make a great first impression and the visitor stays, make a bad one and they bounce and it won’t matter how perfect the rest of your post-click experience was.

It’s really as simple as that.

Your ecommerce post-click page headline should:

  • Make your visitors feel something. Humans are irrational decision-makers. Leverage this on your page and invoke emotions in your prospects with a headline that convinces them to scroll. Play to their desires, dreams, and problems. How can your offer fulfill their need, solve their problem, or relieve their pain?
  • Highlight the benefits of your offer. A good headline showcases an offer’s UVP (unique value proposition). What’s the biggest reason your visitor should click your call-to-action button? What differentiates your brand from others in the space?
  • Be the biggest text on the page. The visual hierarchy of your page starts with a big, bold headline. Without one, you risk confusing your prospects. They’ll wonder where to look—your subheaders or that image on the side? Start them off on the right foot and nudge them in the right direction by making sure your headline is the biggest text on the page.

Hum features a headline that’s big, bold, and highlights how “brushing will get better” after using the smart toothbrush:

Include benefit-driven copy

More than half your page consists of copy, which is why it’s critical to get it right.

Use the data you’ve collected from surveys, analytics, and social media to write personalized copy that empowers conversion actions. Continue the narrative from your ad and add to it, so that visitors have ample reasons to click the CTA button.

Here’s everything your copy should be:

  • Benefit-focused: Focus on user benefits—how using your product would make users feel and what they will be able to accomplish, instead of simply listing out features.
  • Readable: Use bullet points, subheadings, lists, and short paragraphs to convey information quickly in a way that’s easier for visitors to consume.
  • Avoid jargon: Stay away from technical terms and abbreviations . Keep it basic and plain. Remember, small words sell big ideas.

Dollar Shave Club features copy that’s designed in bullets and tells the visitor exactly what they’ll be getting when they “join the club” and sign up for the grooming subscription service:

Use social proof

Social proof is based on the idea of normative social influence , which states that people will conform in order to be liked by, similar to, or accepted by those around them.

Think of social proof as the positive influence created when a person feels like they’re missing out on the fun others are enjoying while taking a certain a high demand.

You can use the following ways to add social proof on your post-click pages and add credibility and trust to the page.

  • Testimonials : Short quotes from happy customers can do wonders for your advertising conversions. Show visitors how your product/service has helped your customers live better lives.
  • Customer Counters: Showcasing your customer numbers can show just how popular your brand is.
  • Customer badges: Logos from popular brands who are your customers or have featured your product boost authority in your niche.

For example, Freshly, a cooked meal service, incorporates customer testimonials and badges as an important element on their post-click page:

Prioritize page load speed

While ad-to-page relevancy is crucial to get advertising conversions, if your page doesn’t load quickly enough visitors will bounce before they make it to the headline—which means you’ll get no conversions whatsoever.

For ecommerce brands, a slow-loading landing page adversely affects advertising conversions and, ultimately, sales. Data shows that 80% of users said a slow-loading website was more frustrating than a temporarily down website.

To put it into perspective, this is the difference one second makes for an ecommerce brand.

Moreover, according to research , an increase from 1 to 10 seconds in load speed will increase bounce rate by 123%:

To make sure your page loads instantly, try these techniques:

  • Minimize CSS and JavaScript
  • Compress your images
  • Remove unnecessary images
  • Consider using AMP
  • Use a CDN
  • Enable browser caching

Create the perfect ecommerce post-click page to get conversions

Think of your post-click experience as a virtual elevator pitch—add the right mix of elements needed to convince visitors to click on the CTA button and convert.

Don’t direct valuable visitors to cluttered product pages that will likely just waste the ad click you paid for. Always take them to a relevant, personalized, and optimized post-click experience that makes a good brand impression and convinces them to convert.

About the author :

Fahad Muhammad is a Content Marketer at Postclick . He writes about creating effective landing pages and personalization and keeps up with the latest advertising trends. When he’s not busy writing, you can find him listening to a good podcast.

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